750 Fairway Drive, Southern Pines, NC 28387 USA
750 Fairway Drive, Southern Pines, NC 28387 USA

Watch this Sunday’s live-stream

Special notice for 19 JANUARY 2025 until further notice:

We’re sorry – but due to circumstances beyond our control, we won’t be able to provide a live-stream of today’s service.  Our videographer is unavailable until further notice. Once he’s back in town, we’ll resume our Sunday live-stream.

In the meantime – as an aid to your Sunday worship today, we’ve linked to a previous year’s (2023) service for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany below.  If you’d rather watch it on our YouTube channel vice here on the web page, you can link to the service recording here: https://youtube.com/live/JX0PSeTFPiM

For tips on getting the best picture and sound during the live-stream, click here:

Sunday Service: 10:30 AM (Eastern Time) Holy Communion – January 29, 2023

You can still watch full-screen – hover your mouse over the bottom of the video, click on the square brackets icon at the lower right hand corner.

Hymns for this Sunday- hymn numbers are from the 1940 Hymnal:Processional:

Processional 52 As with gladness, men of old
Sermon 153 Christ whose glory fills the skies
Recessional 48 Earth has many a noble City

As an alternative, you may be able to find a Service of Morning Prayer, complete with the Lectionary readings for today, on the Cradle of Prayer website.
