Christ Church Anglican is a parish of the Diocese of the Holy Cross, which is turn is a diocese within the Anglican Catholic Church. We are a continuing Anglican Church, by which we mean that we seek to remain constant – that is, to continue – in the faith delivered to us by our forebears in the Anglican Church, the Western Christian Church, and all the way back to the Early Church established by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself through His Apostles. We are orthodox and biblical in our theology, traditional in our liturgy and morality, and warmly welcoming in our hospitality, believing that the Church is not a club for saints, but a school and hospital for sinners.
“Anglican” means English. We are descended from, but no longer affiliated with, the Church of England, which dates back to the 16th century English Reformation.
We are Protestant because we believe the Holy Scriptures to be “God’s Word written” (Article XX, Articles of Religion), containing all things necessary to salvation, and authoritative in all matters of faith and morals; and we profess and teach that salvation is by grace through faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and in His unique and all-sufficient sacrifice, death, and resurrection – and not through any works or merits of our own. We are also catholic (Greek katholikos = universal) in that we seek to hold and practice the whole faith “once delivered to the saints,” with neither addition nor dilution, as it has been believed “always, everywhere, and by all,” expressed in the Creeds, Councils, and Fathers of the early Church, and continued in the classical Anglican Formularies, including the Book of Common Prayer and Articles of Religion.
We believe that the holy sacraments instituted by Christ Himself – that is to say, Baptism and the Holy Communion – are outward and visible signs of the inward and spiritual grace given to us by God Himself, and that they effect what they signify:
• In the case of Baptism, the washing away of sins, spiritual regeneration (rebirth), and grafting into the Body of Christ, so that we become children of God and heirs of eternal life. We hold that infants as well as those of “riper years” may be baptized.
• In the case of the Holy Communion, we believe that those who rightly, worthily, and with faith partake of that most holy sacrament are truly, though spiritually, fed and nourished with the Body and Blood of Christ, as He Himself has promised; and that the means by which His Body and Blood are received is through faith.
We faithfully maintain the apostolic succession in the historic episcopate, and the threefold orders of (male) ministry: bishops, priests (presbyters), and deacons.
We believe in traditional morality in issues affecting the sanctity of life and human sexuality.
We practice dignified, reverent, traditional worship “in the beauty of holiness,” using the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible, the 1928 Book of Common Prayer – descended in direct line from the first Anglican Prayer Book of 1549 – and we enrich our worship with classic hymns from the 1940 Hymnal, striving to “do all things decently and in order,” to the glory of God, and to the edification of His people.
Anyone who believes in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who seeks to repent of your sins and grow closer to Him, and to shape your life in accordance with His teachings, is welcome to become part of the Christ Church Anglican community.
In particular, those who value beauty, dignity, and reverence in worship, and who seek a timeless, traditional Christian approach to faith, family, and moral values, in a warm and caring community, are encouraged to check us out.
Could God be calling you to join our parish family?
The church's mission is propelled by the members who perform the many functions that make our church work. Those that are so moved by the Spirit are encouraged to prayerfully seek out roles that leverage their God-given talents and gifts (Greek - "charisma") for the edification of the Body of Christ and the furtherance of the work of the Kingdom.
Making a joyful sound to the Lord with instruments and voices.
Assisting the celebrant with the liturgy and with the reading and proclamation of the Word.
Setting up the altar and its furnishings in the proper way for each service.
Be part of the leadership group that makes vital decisions and conducts the business aspect of the church.
Broadcast the live-stream, maintain the website, keep the church up-to-date on technology tools.
Cleaning the church, making sure the lights stay on, fixing the things that need fixing, making improvements, keeping the watch during services.
Taking the church’s message to the streets and to those outside our church walls.
For a complete listing, go to our Blog page
The Third Sunday after the Epiphany: January 26th, 2025. Contents: Propers (Collect and Lessons) for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany, with…
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